国际合作奖 若干(Awards for International Collaboration and Excellent Groups)
《英国小哥眼里的中国新农村》(Chinese New Village in the Eyes of an English Man)
《在红船起航地感受美好中国》(Feel the beauty of China in the Place Where the Red Boat Sailed)
《米兰:我在丽水找到家乡的感觉》(Milan: I Find My Hometown in Lishui)
《筑梦起航》(Go Aboard, Chasing Dream- A Glance of Beautiful Xiajiang)
《美美与共》(The World With Harmony and Unity)
《当代马可波罗打卡杭州——琼斯》(Modern Marco Polo Marks in Hangzhou - Jones)
《我在中国遇见TA——我的中国“神仙姐姐”》(My Chinese Miss "Fairy")
《幸福城市“醉”美杭州》(Indulging in Hangzhou)
《贝莱瑞——宁波海外传播官》(Belleri - Ningbo's Overseas Communication Officer)
《马丁——宁波海外传播官》(Martin - Ningbo's Overseas Communication Officer)
《美食之“桥”》(A Bridge made of Food)
《穿越15年》(15 Years in Huzhou)
新增奖项:文化传播奖若干(Cultural Communication Award)
《文化临安记—天目漆器》(Culture of Lin’an - Temmoku Lacquerware)
《八旬老人30年的承诺》(30-Year Commitment of an Old Woman)
《朗读宁波》(Reading in Ningbo)
《岔路口的守望者》(The Watcher of the Fork Road)
《十年风雨,微笑相伴》(Smile Pavilion is Always Here for You)
《每个人都了不起》(Everyone is Amazing)
《下姜村的绿水青山梦》(The Green Mountain Dream of Xiajiang Village)
《江山如此多娇》(Beautiful Jiangshan City)
《90后新农人》(New Farmers Born in the 1990s)
《等你来》(Waiting for Your Coming)
《杭州回忆》(The Memories of Hangzhou)
《文明城市金名片》(“Golden Card” of the Civilized City)
《花满杭州》(Flowers in Hangzhou)
《运河风光》(Canal Scenery)
《城市之窗》(City Window)
《西湖四季》(Four Seasons in West Lake)
《百山祖国家公园》(Baishanzu National Park)
《遇见·美好》(Meet · Beauty)
《春夏》(Spring and Summer)
《震撼,鬼王潮》(Amazing! Tide after July 18 in Lunar Calender)
《古法米馒头》(Rice Steamed Bread Made by Ancient Method)
《美丽千岛湖 亚运新时尚》(Beautiful Thousand Island Lake, New Venue for Asian Games)
《美丽浙江Mission.Impossible X》(Mission. Impossible X)
《“浙”里有条红色路》(Red Road in Zhejiang)
优秀组织奖 若干 (Awards for excellent organization)
杭州市委宣传部(Publicity Department of the CPC Hangzhou City Committee)
杭州市文联(Hangzhou Literary and Art Federation)
上海浮玉影业有限公司(Shanghai Fuyu Film Co., Ltd.)
麒点影视(Xiangshan Qidian Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd.)
舟山日报社(Zhoushan Daily)
华数传媒网络有限公司(Wasu Media&Network Co., Ltd.)